With PJ Accounting and Taxation Services you have gained a partner for life, to handle all your tax and accounting needs.  We are with you from start through to succession. We will endeavor to understand your needs and values, your business and personal financial goals, and your short- and long-term vision. Leaving the accounting and taxation matters to us, you can gain the freedom necessary to concentrate on customer acquisition, customer service, business innovation and expansion, hiring and personnel issues.


We provide a wide range of personal and business services including:


1. Income Tax


2. BAS/ GST returns


3. Tax Planning


4. Assistance with Buying and Selling Businesses


5. Business Planning


6. Cash Flow Forecasts


7. Budgeting and Management Reporting


8. Business Structuring


9. Incorporating a Company, Trust and Partnership


10. Applying for ABN,TFN, GST and PAYG withholding


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